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29 October - 9 December 2021

Join our free 6-week program to discover, use and reveal your skills. You will learn how to stand out for university, internships and jobs with the help of experts and the global Goodwall community.

An incredible prize pool of over $4000will be granted to challenge winners.

Come learn, win and find your path to success!

Scan the QR code or download the app below to begin


The Program

Six weeks of challenges, virtual exchanges with international speakers and exciting prizes.

  • Challenges 👩🏻‍💻

    3 virtual challenges that will help you develop new skills around the themes of skills development.

  • Prizes 🏆

    🏆 Win big rewards such as internships,  one-on-one mentoring sessions with our COO and our Head of People,  online courses and much more! 

  • Speaker

    Exclusive sessions with CEOs, Entrepreneurs and Industry Experts from across the world! 

  • Networking 💼

    Connect and build your network with brilliant, like-minded people from across the globe!

See Full Event Structure

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